She Weighed 345 Pounds And Desperately Wanted To Change. Years Later She Defied All Odds! (Video)

Bullying is one of the quickest and surest ways to break down a person’s self-confidence.

This was certainly true for 32-year-old Tracy Ryan. Ever since her childhood, she was bullied due to her weight. The snide comments, glances and whispers behind her back just led her to eat more as she sought comfort in food.

This vicious circle continued all the way into adulthood, when Tracy reached 340lbs.

But one day she decided that it was enough – and now her incredible story is inspiring thousands.

Throughout her childhood, Tracy was told she was fat. Classmates teased her constantly and called her terrible names. It got so bad that no one would talk to her, and she was completely rejected, just because of her weight.

The bullying led to a vicious circle.

Food became her solace in everyday life, even though she knew it wasn’t good to eat as much as she did. Her weight slowly spiraled out of control.

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She convinced herself that she was happy even though she felt bad and was living in constant denial.

When Tracy approached her 30th birthday, she weighed about 345 pounds (155 kg).

With each passing day, the risk that she would suffer from cancer, heart disease, and diabetes increased.

She desperately wanted to change her lifestyle, but thought she lacked the strength and didn’t have the support she needed.

Deep inside, however, Tracy had an iron will. In the end, she managed to get professional help.

Try: 4 Minutes, 28 Days – A New Body!

And then it was up to Tracy to take the incredibly difficult journey to a healthier life.

Tracy put up a plan – and started throwing away her old habits…

Watch The Video Bellow:

Originally published on Newsner
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