An empath is a person who has a stronger than normal ability to sense the thoughts and emotions of others. Their bond with others is at a deeper level, which is almost a soul connection. They are able to feel the emotions of others and provide support and help. However, their heightened sense of emotional connectivity leaves them exceptionally vulnerable to even the most distanced pain like in a news flash or a picture.
Along with this comes a greater understanding of their fellow human beings, and this ability makes them a magnet for people seeking support and understanding. It’s not really a problem since empaths find the greatest joy in helping others.
If you want to find out whether you or someone you know is an empath, here are 5 signs you need to look out for:
1. Complete intolerance for dishonesty
Empaths have zero patience for lies and liars. Chances are, not only will they see right through your lies, but they will also sense your discomfort while you say it. It’s always better to be completely honest with them; they will appreciate it over anything else.
2. Not a fan of crowds
Having the ability to sense the feelings of others can be pretty draining, and for this very reason empaths try and avoid crowds. Dealing with a single person’s emotions is taxing, but having to deal with a crowd could easily become overwhelming for them as each person will bring his/her own baggage of emotions. Thus crowds are avoided, and may give the impression that an empath is a loner. However, the people gravitating to their warmth makes this impression a false notion.
Read Also: Heyoka: The Most Powerful Type of Empath
3. Happy to help
As mentioned earlier, an empath feels the happiest when he/she is able to help. This process of helping and healing others is the greatest joy to them as others’ happiness will result in their happiness. It’s a form of non-selfish give and take. Just like other people’s pain saddens them. Similarly others relief and happiness makes them happier. You can find a great number of empaths working in the medical field, where they can help, heal and protect others.
4. Authentic in essence
An empath can be nothing but authentic, and always by choice. When it comes to them, what you see is what they are. They never put up a false image for the society and their authenticity is what sets them apart. This honesty and the accompanying loyalty makes them the perfect confidante, friend and a support system. They are the best people to be around because they have no false airs and accept everyone as openly as they accept themselves.
5. Animal lovers
This is a very special trait of the empaths; they connect beautifully with animals, a feat not every human being can accomplish. Maybe being true to their own self and possessing the ability to understand emotions, makes them even close to animals. Whatever be the case, an empath will easily connect with animals and their simple innocence. This will result in the animals loving them instantly.
Must-Read: The Dark Side Of The Empaths That You Rarely See and Must Always Be Cautious Of