6 Types Of Friends You Should Fight For Till The Last Day Of Your Life

There are 7 billion people on this planet. Yet, it never fails to amuse me how similar human beings really are. I think, whenever human is born, the supernatural force allots them one friend from certain genres. How else would you explain the recurring personality types in every group of friends?

Friendship is the sole, most important thing, our lives are built around. When we’re young, we chase materialistic goods, and neglect the quality time we spend in building relationships. However, once the glamour and glaze of wealth has run out, we realize just how important friendship is.

Here are 6 types of friends that you should hold on to for dear life:

1. The Generous One

This is often known as the mother/father of the group. They’ll take care of you almost like your own parents, and discipline you the same way. They invest so much in their relationships, and expect very little in return. You may not even remember their birthday, but they’ll always surprise you on yours.

Their soft-hearted nature makes them the easiest target from mistreatment. However, they are the ones you should hold the closest, because of how genuine their feelings are.

2. The Listener

You can call them at any point of time, and vent out everything wrong with your life. They will listen to you patiently, without judgement or anger. Sometimes, you are not even looking for a solution so much as a place to unload all the burden. They’re that place.

What makes them all the more special is that they will never let out your secrets, come what may.

3. The Uplifter

They always see the silver-lining, and force you to feel good about yourself. Around them, you can never slack, or be self-derogatory.

You didn’t make the cut for the entrance? The college sucks, anyway. You did not get to date that woman? She wasn’t your soul mate, and you shouldn’t be wasting time.

They’re literally a ball of sunshine, and you should hold them very close.

Read Also: Pay Attention to These 8 Crystal Clear Differences Between Real and Fake Friends

4. The Honest One

A reality-check is very important in your life. These are the friends who are straightforward to the point of seeming rude. If you’re doing something wrong, they will not support you for the sake of politeness. They will point out exactly where you’re going wrong. This is what true friendship looks like.

5. The Big Dreamer

They plan to conquer the entire world, and nothing can stop them. They have the highest goals, and the greatest plans. Their over-achieving mind always inspires you to do bigger and better. It is very important to be around people like this, because they motivate you to be the best version of yourself.

6. Your Soul Mate

The chemistry you share with this person, is inexplicable. You have often tried to figure out why or how these feelings came to exist, but there isn’t a single moment or incident that you can pin-point. You have never felt this way with or about anybody else, and calling him/her just a “friend” does not make the cut. You feel very comfortable and happy around them, and everybody around you can clearly see the romance budding between you two.

Hold on to these people, and create memories that will last you a lifetime. Like any other thing, relationships need to be taken care of regularly, or they wilt. You must invest your time and energy in maintaining and nurturing the bonds, or else, you’ll end up with nothing of value. Friends are some of the greatest possessions you’ll ever have, so, care for them.

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