If You Have Any Of These 14 Characteristics You Might Be Born With Higher Frequency

Everything in this Universe vibrates at a certain frequency which gives it its unique existence, visibility and tangibility. Any break in this frequency causes the delicate relation of the object to the Universe to be broken or altered and makes it exist on a higher or lower plane of existence than before.

Humans have strived for a higher plane of frequency than their fellows since the first yogi sat down under a tree to meditate on the deeper meaning of life.

This higher plane, call it moksha or nirvana, is the same.

Now, there are tell-tale signs that give away if someone is cut out for this transition process. These signs, if they exist in a person, say that the said person is not cut out for the earth-bound and mundane. Instead, they might just meditate their way out of this murk to a higher plane of existence.

These signs (read on to find out) are such. If you relate to even two of these, there is a high chance that you can increase your frequency if you try really hard at meditating and yoga.

They are as follows.

1. You feel like a wanderer, searching for a tree to cling to in a storm. You are constantly thirsting for a partner or a spouse or a strong family.

2. Despite your intelligence, you are never satisfied with the results you get. You tend to think that you can always do better.

3. You, like Joan d’Arc, often find yourself hearing voices of other-worldly beings around you.

4. You are emotionally fickle. You find yourself oscillating between feelings and emotions.

5. Your moments of lucidity and absolute clarity don’t last long but they are decisive.

6. Your dreams are vivid and clear. They are like visions which give you both demons to battle and inspiration to go on fighting. Sometimes they can be exhausting and scary, and sometimes you even enjoy them.

You will also like reading: 4 Unique Steps To Raise Your Frequency Of Vibration

7. You bond very strongly when you do. It’s like the meeting of twin flames. Be it family or romance, you bond like there is no tomorrow. But similarly, when cutting the chords you are equally ruthless. But when you love someone, you love with all of you.

8. Time for you is a piece of cloth you are folding. It is far more tangible and far more material. Your perception of it is absolutely transparent and fast, compared to others.

9. You believe in free will and predestination. That greater things are planned out for you, but at the same time, you need to make the right choices with your work to reach there.

10. Your gut has never failed you so far. You are perceptive and your intuition is tuned on point. You can read people’s intentions from their body language. Because your intuition has turned out to be right almost all the time, if not always, you never fail to trust it and you always follow it and act on it.

11. People are naturally attracted to your personality like ants are to sugar. This is because you are a born leader, chock full of charisma and that intangible spark that separates a Martin Luther King from a crowd of people.

People come to you for advice and help. You have a deep influence on them and can manipulate them easily. But you don’t use that influence for achieving your ends selfishly, or at least most of the time.

12. The wisdom and innate awareness people try to achieve through lifetimes of practice and meditation has been yours since you were a child. As a result, you often felt alienated and alone, detached from your friends and peers.

13. You are a naturally motivated person; someone who is positive and illuminated and in general hopeful about existence. The will to make a better world for yourself and your loved ones is deeply embedded in you. You are a happy and a very loving person.

14. You rarely fall sick. Unlike others who have a tendency to catch colds and coughs, you are a naturally healthier person. You have a very strong immune system and you make sure it stays that way. You take good care of yourself.

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