After the breaking discovery that has a monumental impact on life beyond Earth: A planetary system with a number of Earth-sized planets...
This video shows us the moment Major Donald Keyhoe exposes the truth on the UFO subject and states that UFO’s are real....
While most people are clinched into a worldwide debate about aliens, discussing UFO sightings in space, on Earth, and the sheer number...
We’re always interested in seeing new evidence of extraterrestrial life, but this nine-minute clip captured by the Chilean Navy in November 2014...
The desert peninsula of Paracas is located on the southern coast of one of South America’s most enigmatic countries: Peru. It is...
What may look like a smudge on the picture to some, is said to be a conspiracy cover-up by others. A Martian...
As Voyager 2 –one of the most distant man-made objects in space— approached the outer reaches of or solar system in 2010, something...