Light Warriors are beings born of this earth, (some say who volunteered before birth, others say who are born with the duty)...
The third eye also known as the 7th chakra links us directly with the Higher Self, spiritual center, and ability to access...
Drugs like heroin and cocaine have a direct stimulatory impact on the brain. Hence their appeal to human beings is easily explainable....
The book of revelations and the emerald tablets both predict and forecast the incarnation and arrival of 144,000 lightworkers who will save...
“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that...
“It is old age, rather than death, that is to be contrasted with life. Old age is life’s parody, whereas death transforms...
“The opposite of anger is not calmness, its empathy.” – Mehmet Oz Empathy is a highly prized virtue. It’s the ability to understand...