Have you ever encountered someone with a powerful, independent personality? Did you feel like it was off putting, like the person might...
Karma means conditioned action. Meditation Master Lama Thubten Yeshe calls it ‘habit energy’. When you are controlled by habit energy that’s what the Buddhist...
If you are trying to manifest a goal or desire, this could be the reason you haven’t seen any movement. Is this...
444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch...
I believe somehow we are being contacted when things go wrong… or there’s a warning sign sent from ‘above’ alarming us that we should pay attention...
There are several things that ordinary people may not realize you do if you are an intuitive type of person. But what...
It is all about the Third Eye… The Third Eye, an inner eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part...